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Doesn’t a first date excite each one of us? The thought of meeting a new guy, and the possibility of a new romance and relationship is exciting for any girl.  But with the growing amount of crime and online dating scandals, you need to be cautious about what you do and say on your first date. Take a look at 10 ways to remain safe on your first date.
Talk on the phone 
With technological advancements and the available chat options today, most people tend to interact through e-mails or text messages. However, it is very necessary that you speak to your prospective date over the phone. It is also very important to know the guy’s voice and other information about him by talking on the phone. Make sure you ask questions like what is his full name and what does he do to earn a living.

Inappropriate texting 
If you feel that the guy is being over friendly and sending you innappropriate texts, do not ignore them. It is very necessary that you maintain your comfort and personal space when on a first date. Inappropriate texting can reveal the actual intentions of the person, which is extremely necessary for your good.
Search him on the Internet
Today, it is very easy to find someone on the Internet. Make sure that you research about the guy before you ‘friend’ him on Facebook, Twitter or other social networking sites. Do this exercise to find any common friends and people who would know him.
Make sure your first date is in a public place
It is very necessary that you do not choose a secluded or lonely place for your first date. Always be aware of your surroundings and what the guy is upto. Public places are most appropriate since you cannot trust him in the first date itself.
Inform your friends
Always keep your bestie or any other friend updated about your whereabouts. You could also send in a timely text to her informing that you are doing fine. This way she is in the loop; and in case of a delayed text, she can take appropriate action.
Do not leave your drink unattended
When you are on your first date, you cannot trust the guy completely. With rising cases of date rape incidents, every girl must keep herself secure. Do not leave your drink unattended at any given time. Be cautious and enjoy yourself!
Avoid wearing revealing clothes
We all want to look amazing and sexy on our first date. But, is wearing revealing clothes going to fulfill the purpose? We say, wear decent and appropriate clothing, like a nicely-fitted black dress. Excess cleavage and short clothes might give the guy wrong hints.

Don’t linger around if things are awkward
Sometimes you may realise that you are not comfortable with a person who you meet for the first time. If you feel that things are getting awkward, go to the washroom and call up a friend to come and meet you. Also, if you feel unsafe around him, stay alert and keep your wits around you to make an exit.
Go Dutch
It is extremely welcoming when a guy pays for the meal, but try and avoid this on your first date. Split the bill between the two of you to avoid him from getting wrong hints that you are totally into him or you’ve allowed him take over you. It displays your personality and shows that you are capable of taking care of yourself.
Do not talk about the future
It is very necessary that you stay in your limits and do not talk about your future plans with the guy. It is necessary to get to know the person better before you decide to spend the rest of your life with him. So avoid talking about the future, atleast not on your first date.
Avoid going to his house
Try and avoid going to his house or any other place where you two would be alone. You might have had a couple of drinks, and may not know what you end up doing after a drinking session. Make sure you don’t land up in his bedroom!

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