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‘Can I have S3x during my periods?’ This is a common question asked by many women out there who either feel that doing so would cause infections or diseases; or could possibly get them pregnant. Well, here are some common myths and facts about having S3x during periods that you might find interesting.


Having S3x During Periods Can Lead To Pregnancy

Fact: Although the chances of you getting pregnant if you have S3x during periods are minimal, it pays to be extra cautious and be safe every time you opt for S3x, even during periods. Another thing that needs to be noted here is that sperm can survive inside the human body for a few days. And in case you have unprotected S3x during periods and ovulate early, your chances of getting pregnant increase manifold.

Menstrual Blood Is Harmful For The Penis

Fact: A common, misplaced notion among women is that menstrual blood is dirty fluid that carries infections and other impurities. And so it could be harmful for the penis, should it come in contact with the same.
The truth is that menstrual blood is not at all considered impure and is in fact just a mixture of healthy blood and tissues that the body does not need (these line the uterus for pregnancy and are shed every month when the periods pass). So coming in contact with this blood would not harm the penis in any way.

S3xual Intercourse During Periods Can Harm The Uterus

Fact: Every month when your periods occur, a small opening develops in the uterus to pass menstrual blood. The common notion is that this opening is large and having S3x during periods can cause the penis to poke into the hole and injure the uterus. This is not possible at all as the opening would be too small for the penis to enter. And so, there is absolutely no harm to the uterus if you have S3x during your menstrual cycles.

S3x During Periods Can Cause Aids And Other S3xually Transmitted Diseases (STDs)

Fact: There is no way you can contract AIDs via S3x unless one of the partners is HIV infected. If you have unprotected S3x with an individual who is HIV positive, chances are you will get infected as well, be it during your menstrual cycles or after.
The same goes for S3xually Transmitted Diseases. As mentioned earlier, menstrual blood is nothing but a mixture of normal blood and tissues that line the uterus. And so it would not contain any infections, impurities or agents that can cause STDs.
However, if you or your partner already has STD then the chances of the infection spreading would be greater. So make it a point to use a condom during S3x, even during periods.

S3x During Periods Can Offer Relief From Menstrual Cramps And Excessive Bleeding

Fact: To an extent this is correct. S3x during periods can relieve women of menstrual cramps owing to the fact that orgasms can stimulate the release of certain chemicals in the body which can reduce pain. Again, S3x during menstruation can reduce pain by using up the chemicals called prostaglandins which are responsible for menstrual cramps.
Having S3x during periods can also stop excessive menstrual bleeding (in terms of the number of days). This does not necessarily mean that the blood stays inside the body. Rather, S3xual intercourse would cause the uterus to contract and expand faster, thereby propelling the fluid and tissue out of the body faster. Therefore, there are strong chances for your periods to stop earlier than expected although you can expect heave flow during the initial days.

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